PDS Seminar: work work work work work
*i'm not a coder, not good at codes :) expect typos, wrong links, and unavailable pdfs, etc.
* Let me be clear: to call these traditional work values into question is not to claim that work is without value. It is not to deny the necessity of productive activity or to dismiss the likelihood that, as William Morris describes it, there might be for all living things "a pleasure in the exercise of their energies." It is, rather, to insist that there are other ways to organize and distribute that activity and to remind us that it is also possible to be creative outside the boundaries of work. It is to suggest that there might be a variety of ways to experience the pleasure that we may now find in work, as well as other pleasures that we may wish to discover, cultivate, and enjoy. And it is to remind us that the willingness to live for and through work renders subjects supremely functional for capitalist purposes. - kathi weeks :) <3
week 1: Future
Lee Edelman, “The Future is Kids Stuff: Queer Theory, Disidentification, and the Death Drive”
Why Does Petah Coyne Make me Cry, by Matt Morris
week 2: Impasse
Lauren Berlant, Nearly Utopian, Nearly Normal and After the Good Life, An Impasse: Time Out, Human Resources and the Precarious Present
“Exhaustion and Exuberance” by Jan Verwoert
week 3: Feelingsv
Sarah Ahmed, “Feel Your Way” “The Contingency of Pain”
Jennifer Doyle: Theater of Cruelty: Thomas Eakins, The Gross Clinic (1875) in Hold it Against Me, Difficulty and Emotion in Contemporary Art
week 4: labor, work
Karl Marx, “Wage Labour and Capital”
Raymond Williams, “Labour” and “Work,”
Helen Molesworth, “Work Ethic,” in ?Work Ethic
week 5: slave labor, class struggle
WEB DuBois, “The Black Worker” and “The White Worker” (1935), in ?Black Reconstruction in America?
Noel Ignatiev, “They Swung their Picks” in ?How the Irish Became White
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, “Race, Class, and Marxism"
week 6: Housekeeping
Helen Molesworth, “House Work and Art Work”
Kathi Weeks, “Working Demands: From Wages for Housework to Basic Income,”
week 7: The Art Workers' Coalition
Karl Marx, “The Fetishism of Commodities and the Secret Thereof”
Julia Bryan-Wilson, “Robert Morris’s Art Strike,” in ?Art Workers: Radical Practice in the Vietnam War Era
Art Workers Coalition, “Statement of Demands”
week 8: Art as Socialist Production
Christina Kiaer, “Boris Arvatov’s Socialist Object"
“Manifesto of the Working Group of Constructivists”
John Elderfield, “Constructivism and the Objective World,”
week 9: Working Class Artists: WPA and FSA
?Gerald M. Monroe, “The ’30s: Art, Ideology and the WPA”
Martha Rosler, “In, Around, and Afterthoughts (On Documentary Photography)"
Diego Rivera, “The Revolutionary Spirit in Modern Art”
week 10: Work Without Bofders
TJ Demos, “On Terror and Beauty: John Akomfrah’s ?Vertigo Sea,?”
Steven Jackson, “Rethinking Repair”
Michael Hanagan, Marcel van der Linden, “New Approaches to Global Labor
week 11: Wildness
Jack Halberstam "The Wild Beyond: With and for the Undercommons” in ?The Undercommons: Fugitive Black Study and Planning
Stefano Harney and Fred Moten,? “?Politics Surrounded”
Rebecca Schneider “It seems as if I am Dead: Zombie Capitalism and Theatrical Labor”
‘Wildness, Loss, Death’ ?Jack Halberstam
Stefano Harney and Fred Moten,? ?“Fantasy in the Hold”
week 12: precarity and assembly
Judith Butler, ?Notes Toward a Performative Theory of Assembly?
“A gallery closed in Spring: on Maria Eichorn’s 5 Weeks, 25 days, 175 hours by Stewart Martin”
maybe you don’t have to. i made my own world here, I found a way to deal with the bad by going a little overboard with all the good. i just embraced the contradiction. maybe you could too in your own way. maybe you could go and not go. -king ezekiel, the walking dead
all works on this site are by zachary rawe
... the site is always under construction